Maya to Houdini Camera Conversion

I have recently been working on a new pipeline that has moved away from using Maya as the core DCC. Instead we decided to move dressing, lookdev and lighting to Houdini. This has pushed us to require accurate cameras within Houdini using Arnold, and after some investigation here are a few tips to guide you on your way.

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Linux Up Skill Challenge 03

Wow here we are on week 3 of the r/linuxupskillchallenge.

I will admit I did not keep up to date with my blogs of the course, so I am retroactively covering the material again to not only remember more but also update the log posts.

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Linux Up Skill Challenge 02

So I am continuing with my journey through the r/linuxupskillchallenge.

Day 6 – Editing with “Vim”

Wow, this editor is weird man! Normal Mode and Insert Mode. I am busy working my way through the vimtutor, and finding it really interesting the decisions and use cases. Starting to understand the creators logic behind all the commands. I found the graphical vi-vim cheat sheet very useful.

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Linux Up Skill Challenge 01

So spending a lot of time on reddit and if you interested in Linux in anyway you are probably following r/linux in which case you have seen the posts saying that r/linuxupskillchallenge is starting again. A have clicked the link a few times to see what its all about. I generally hit a wall when they want you to sign up for a cloud hosted server, and yes I could grab my Rapsi and setup a server very easily so why haven’t I done it yet? Well a few reasons, procrastination is real, finishing a movie and heading up the development of a new pipeline at triggerfish animation.

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Vector Displacement

Its been many years since I have used my wordpress blog but decided (for some reason that may eventually come to me) too start posting a few more things again.

Suffice to say this is just a short post since #Nodevember got me all excited to learn the power of Blenders procedural shader networks. Honestly though it didn’t start out well. I began not really trying to make any specific shape or with a goal in mind, but with the desire to understand what each node did and how it influenced the output. You will see what resulted was some strange tent type shape where the colours are defined by the geometries position in 3D Space.

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