Linux Up Skill Challenge 02

So I am continuing with my journey through the r/linuxupskillchallenge.

Day 6 – Editing with “Vim”

Wow, this editor is weird man! Normal Mode and Insert Mode. I am busy working my way through the vimtutor, and finding it really interesting the decisions and use cases. Starting to understand the creators logic behind all the commands. I found the graphical vi-vim cheat sheet very useful.

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Linux Up Skill Challenge 01

So spending a lot of time on reddit and if you interested in Linux in anyway you are probably following r/linux in which case you have seen the posts saying that r/linuxupskillchallenge is starting again. A have clicked the link a few times to see what its all about. I generally hit a wall when they want you to sign up for a cloud hosted server, and yes I could grab my Rapsi and setup a server very easily so why haven’t I done it yet? Well a few reasons, procrastination is real, finishing a movie and heading up the development of a new pipeline at triggerfish animation.

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